Me speaking at Thompson Rivers University credit: Tayla Scott |
At a party in the states, I discovered a linguistic
difference between Canadians and the locals from the USA. In Canada when I said
I did, people said “Eh?”. In the US, people said “Huh?”. I realized that just saying I was a scientist
was a pretty good way of stopping the conversation for a lot of people.
This is not surprising. If look at most people’s information
about scientists, it is either a Hollywood or political viewpoint that is
pretty skewed. In Hollywood, the scientist is usually a bit of a social outcast
with a focus on some esoteric project that goes beyond reason. In politics, the
scientist is often the fall guy, the one who says that climate changes is or is
not occurring, that vaccine’s do or do not cause autism. These scientists are
people with easy jobs, where they can work when they like, sit and think deep
thoughts in quiet rooms, and have a job for life. Neither view is correct. We
as scientists have failed in the past 50 years at communicating about the job
of science. We have let stereotypes abound and let the public confidence in
science wane.
For this reason, I appreciate being allowed a week of
hosting the @realscientists site. Upulie Diviseker @upulie) and her colleagues (@DrSMMorgan,
@sciencesarah, @theotherdrsmith, @reneewebs, @MCeeP, @ArukPrakash94,
@JohnBorghi) had a good idea with this site that opens a window on the lives of
real people that do research. Let’s work with them and with scientists and
communicators to let people better understand the issues of a science career,
and the importance of science in the lives of people and our planet. Here is my
I started as a scientist in my fourth year of my
undergraduate. I took a research course with Dr. Randal at the University of
British Columbia. His lab studied gas transport across the gills of aquatic
species. At that time, Canada was considered a world leader in aquatic science
and fish biology. Randal’s ion transport work led to basic science discoveries
about the regulation of gas transfer across membranes that led to many
discoveries about how species breath. My work was to study gas transport in the
squishy sea cucumbers. I had to go out at low tide to collect them, figure out
how to ensure their survival in the lab, learn how to operate the gas measuring
devices and design a study. It was great being let loose in such a lab.
I worked long into the night and on most weekends in order
to get a body of research done, while at the same time doing my undergraduate
courses. Every week, the Zoology graduate program had a seminar where graduate
students would present their work. It was after work on Wednesday. I didn’t
think much about the hours I was putting in, because everyone worked long into
the night. I now see that I was learning that science can be consuming as well
as fascinating.
knew that this work wouldn’t lead to a longer project and so I began thinking
about where I might go in the future. I was going to take a year off to decide
on a career path. I took a summer position with Dr. Burggren. He was studying
gas exchange in the sturgeon- a large fresh water fish. A fun memory from that
work was getting up at 4am to drive to the Fraser River. We had to work with
local sport fisherman to get the gills of the fish just as they were caught. We
had all of our surgical and perfusion equipment. We prepared the gills right on
the muddy riverbank for histological analysis. This work involved scanning and
electron microscopy—and so I picked up some new life experiences as well as
cool new skills. This also led to my first publication: Burggren W, Dunn JF, and Barnard K. 1979. Branchial circulation
and gill morphometrics in the sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus, an ancient
Chondrosteian fish. Can J Zool 57: 2160-2170.
In my 4th year of my undergraduate,
I took a course from Peter Hochachka on the biochemical adaptations that
species used to survive extreme environments--such as the bottom of the ocean
or the tops of mountains. I became fascinated with this topic and so put an
extra amount of effort into his course. I met him in the Zoology office early
in the summer and asked how I did. He told me I got a great mark and, on the
spur of the moment, I asked if I could work with him on a graduate degree. He
said yes. My winter plans changed in a flash and I started graduate school in
September. I wasn’t unsure about the goal, because I knew that I wanted to be a
scientist. I was pretty surprised however, at how I ended up choosing a
supervisor. I thought a lot more should go into that decision. It worked for me
though. Peter was a great mentor.
My graduate program skipped the MSc stage.
My department had the belief that a MSc was a failed PhD—people would only get
a masters if something went wrong. This obviously doesn’t hold for all fields but
you do have to consider your long term goals when choosing a MSc or PhD path.
One of the exciting things about being in
Peter’s lab is that everyone went on field trips. Some went to the Antarctic,
some to the Amazon, some to Hawaii and I went to Kenya. I was studying how
metabolism in the different organs of the body responded when the animal was
exposed to low oxygen. For instance, low oxygen (hypoxia) metabolism results in
a shift to a sugar based metabolism (anaerobic glycolysis) that has lactate as
an end-product but does not use oxygen in the process. The sugar is stored in
the body as glycogen. The highest concentrations are in the liver, but the
muscle has the most glycogen in terms of amount per organ. When the body
becomes hypoxic, glycogen is mobilized in liver and muscle to keep the heart
and brain alive. It was at this time that a physiological response, called the
“diving response” was being actively studied. It was noted that as a seal goes
underwater, the blood supply was cut off from most of the body and dedicated to
the heart, lung and brain. This was one aspect of many in the diving response.
I was also looking at whether lower vertebrates already had this adaptation. To
do this, I compared responses in animals that were known not to be hypoxia
tolerant, with ones that should have a diving response. I compared rainbow
trout with the African lungfish. The lungfish gets most of its oxygen from
air-breathing and its gills are largely used for CO2 exchange. So when it is
under water, it is holding its breath!
We found that the lungfish did have a diving
response. We also found that it was good at shutting down metabolism. This led
to the observation that the most effective method in the animal kingdom of
surviving long term hypoxia was to reduce the metabolic rate. Two of my PhD
related papers were focused on these subjects:
Dunn JF, Hochachka PW, Davison W, and Guppy M. 1983. Metabolic
adjustments to diving and recovery in the African lungfish. Am J Physiol
245: R651-657.; Hochachka PW and Dunn JF.
1983. Metabolic arrest: the most effective means of protecting tissues against
hypoxia. Prog Clin Biol Res 136: 297-309.
During this period, I met Dr. I Johnston at
a Zoology conference in Vancouver. He ran a lab in St. Andrews University in
Scotland. He was interested in how species tolerated changes in temperature.
Since reducing body temperature was the most accepted method of reducing
metabolic rate, I thought it would be great if I could work with him for a
post-doctoral position.
As I was cultivating that link, I made another
big life decision. I married Moire the year before defending my PhD. Between
the two of us, we didn’t have enough money to get a nice apartment and so we
house sat. This was great—cheap on our pocketbook and we had a much nicer place
to stay than we would otherwise.
In Canada, it was encouraged to leave the
country to gain international research experience, and so going to Scotland had
multiple benefits. Ian didn’t have funds for a Post-Doc, but Canada has a
research agency called the National Science and Engineering Research Council
that supported basic science. I was successful at getting salary funding from
NSERC and Ian offered to pay the supply costs. (as a side note, NSERC is now
being directed to supporting Canadian companies and so its basic science
mandate is not as strong).
My wife and I flew to Scotland the day after
defending my PhD. When I set up that schedule, I was confident of passing and
of not having many corrections. It worked out for me but that was a stressful
time. I would recommend giving yourself a few days (or weeks) to deal with the
issues of defending. Just saying.
It was also an exciting time. I had not
traveled much. Moire had relatives in Scotland that helped us out—a LOT. So a
big thanks to the Bronte-Stewart clan.
While working with Ian I gained academic
independence. He gave me a project and I worked on it. I didn’t see him a lot
although we did do a study together early in the post-doc. We were both
standing by the spectrophotometer measuring tissue metabolites from fish
muscle. Working alongside your supervisor doesn’t happen often in case you were
Towards the end of my Post-doc, I had the opportunity to go with the British Antarctic Survey on an expedition to South Georgia and the Antarctic. I was based on the ship, the John Biscoe. That was a life experience! There were days with 100ft waves where the crew were wondering about our future. I played the pipes with the base commander of the British military garrison on South Georgia. This was soon after the Falklands war. We walked from the ship to the garrison on S. Georgia through a blizzard on Christmas eve. I was playing the pipes while walking to help keep everyone together. We walked among elephant seals. We also worked long hours collecting marine samples and analyzing them for muscle structure and biochemical adaptations. Included in publications from that time are: Dunn JF, Archer SD, and Johnston IA. 1989. Muscle fibre types and metabolism in post-larval and adult stages of Notothenioid fish. Polar Biol 9: 213-223. Johnston IA and Dunn JF. 1987. Temperature acclimation and metabolism in ectotherms with particular reference to teleost fish. Soc Exp Biol Symp 41: 67-93.
But…what next? I had an opportunity to go to
Mt. Alison University in New Brunswick for a year to teach and do muscle
research. Moire had had enough of living in a tiny town without a job. I
realized that most universities wouldn’t pay to recruit from the UK and so my
ability to get an academic job in Canada relied on me getting back and getting
known. With the internet and more travel geography isn’t as much of a limitation
as it was then. So I accepted the job and was planning to move in September. At
the same time, I came home and showed Moire a job at Oxford with a well known
scientist, Dr. G.K. Radda. He was pioneering NMR as a tool to study metabolism
in muscle. I was a muscle biochemist.
Unfortunately I had already taken another
job. Well, that train of thought didn’t fly with Moire. Let’s see—Oxford, Mt
Alison, Oxford, Mt Alison. Ok, no brainer. Call Dr. Radda—which I did. He was
interested, but the earliest he could interview me was the date I was to fly to
the new job. I had to phone my employer and explain the options. He was
understanding and I delayed my flight. George gave the job immediately and we
moved to Oxford a few weeks later—driving down the M1 in the driving rain and
having the car break down on route..another story.
Oxford defined me as a scientist. I worked
with George’s group and became a senior research scientist at the Medical
Research Council. I learned NMR from Peter Stys. I studied different conditions
such as muscular dystrophy, cancer metabolism, cardiac failure, diabetes and
exercise. After a few years, my peers considered me an MR scientist. I always
wanted to publish in the same journal as Darwin published—the Proceedings of
the Royal Society. This led to: Dunn JF, Tracey I, and Radda GK. 1993.
Exercise metabolism in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a biochemical and
[31P]-nuclear magnetic resonance study of mdx mice. Proc Royal Sci 251:
201-206. Irene Tracey was my first PhD student. Irene went on to lead Oxfords
premier neuro-MRI centre—FMRIB:
![]() |
A faded picture, but a happy memory of punting on the Cherwell with Irene Tracy, now Dr. Tracy, Director of FMRIB in Oxford |
Oxford was not a permanent stint. I needed
to find a position where I would have a bit more job security and so I began
hunting. Mostly I talked to people. The job I finally got, in the Department of
Radiology at Dartmouth Medical School, was through word of mouth. They had
money. I had experience. They wanted a “world class MRI facility to do animal
research”. I could do MRI and had lots of experience working with animals. This
period is when my research focus became more clinically directed vs. being more
basic biochemistry.
Unfortunately, when I was to leave Oxford
was during a house price crash in the UK. We couldn’t afford to sell the house.
Moire stayed behind for a year working on her job while I worked at Dartmouth
in Hanover New Hampshire, designing new lab space, and sourcing and installing
what may have been North America’s first 7T horizontal bore animal system.
The Dartmouth time was great for us. The
science was fantastic, the students were great. I had tremendous academic
freedom. I was able to publish widely. My close collaborator, Dr. H. Swartz,
was extremely supportive. My Dept. Chair, Peter Spiegel was also very
supportive of both basic and clinical research. Both our boys were born there. I
might still be there but, with a family, I had to think about long term issues.
The USA was going to war. The NIH budget was certain to be cut. My mother could
not come and visit any more as she couldn’t get travel insurance due to her age.
Dartmouth has a good retention policy for tenure staff but most of my money
still came from grants. I might have a job, but if I lost my grant the salary
wouldn’t cover the mortgage.
I wasn’t actively looking. There was a job
at the University of British Columbia I was trying to get that had been
simmering for a few years. It was a random act that led to my learning about the University of Calgary
position. I was coming through Calgary for a conference and contacted some
colleagues to ask if I could give a talk. They set up a job interview as well.
In the end, I was offered a position at UBC and Calgary in the same week. That
warranted a nice bottle of wine—but required a significant life decision to be
made. We decided on Calgary. Here I am.
My lab in Calgary has similar goals as to
the one I ran at Dartmouth. We have very high end MRI tools and capabilities.
This is the first 9.4T horizontal bore animal system in Canada. I’ve developed an additional imaging
capability in near-infrared spectroscopy to study tissue oxygen levels in
disease. The University has many exceptional people that can use imaging for
their work. As a result, I have many excellent collaborators. I’ve been
fortunate to have continuous funding and so I’m still actively doing research.
Much of what I do uses animal models. We also translate new ideas to human use.
A few weeks ago we had a paper published on brain MRI in an animal model of
Multiple Sclerosis. Last week, I had a paper published where we developed a new
optical imaging method for assessing concussion in children.
My affiliations reflect the broad work I do. I'm a member of the Hotchkiss Brain Institute @hotchkissbrain, the Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute @UofCr4kids, and the McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health @McCaiginstitute-- all at the University of Calgary.
My work touches many disorders and, unlike
medical doctors, I’m not limited to one species! My “science” and life
decisions were sometimes spontaneous, and sometimes took months of soul
searching. For much of the time, money was tight. At no time did I think I had
a cushy job for life where I could sit back and just drink beer with the
students. I believe my job is to teach as well as to do research, and so many
of my supervisory decisions involve identifying what is good for the student as
well as for my lab. I hope my blogs will entertain as well as provide
interesting information on how research is useful to your life, to our culture,
our species and our planet.
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